Super Chick Sisters is a game presented by PETA. This is very similar to the original Super Mario Brothers, but it has a unique subject: instead of saving the princess from a monster, you will have to save Pamela Anderson from the KFC Colonel.
The game begins with a dilemma: Pamela was kidnapped because she wanted to reveal the fact that the chickens from KFC are basically tortured. Because the Mario Brothers have developed a problem from playing to much Wii, two chickens plan on saving the day. You can choose which one of them you want to play and after that, Super Chick Sisters will start to remind you of Super Mario Brothers. The directional keys are used for controlling the chicken and instead of collecting coins, you will rescue baby chicks. You will have to jump on spiders with the head of the Colonel Sanders, the main enemies of this game. After you finish the first level, you will enter the KFC factory and you will have to jump over hot oil or avoid buckets of crispy strips. You have 3 lives and if you lose one, you will start again from the last checkpoint, which will most likely be close to your current location.
You will notice some messages while playing Super Chick Sisters, all of them telling you how bad KFC is to chickens. This is anything but a boring game and you will surely want to finish it thanks to the interesting story. If you concentrate, saving Pamela Anderson won�t be that difficult.
Super Chick Sisters is a Adventure game presented to you by PlayFreeGames247.com . This game was played 79412 times.